“Hey, have you ever taken this course? If so, I’d like to hear your testimony about it.”

A student-led project pioneered by RISTEK Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia 2021. The purpose: to provide meaningful insights on various courses offered in Fasilkom UI for all its students through a community-based platform.

Based on personal experience, I’ve identified the main issues faced by college students when it comes to choosing a course. Most of students find it difficult to obtain varied insight about a certain course, since it is not easy to approach seniors for insight.


Figma, Maze

Cover - UlasKelas.png

📌  Background


Students at University of Indonesia often asked testimonies from their seniors who had taken the courses that they are interested in or had to take. These testimonies become a decisive factor for whether they should take an elective course, which lecturer’s class to choose, etc.

As a student myself, I felt that there are 2 main problems that students faced when deciding on which course to take for the next semester:

<aside> 🚨 Problem #1

Only knew a few seniors whom I’m close enough to ask for testimony


<aside> 🚨 Problem #2

The seniors I’m friends with hasn’t taken the course I’m asking
