COMPFEST 12 is the the biggest IT event held by Indonesian students. In the event, I was appointed as the head of product design division, a team of 6. This time, my team is responsible for the design of COMPFEST 12 main website that focuses on the Playground & Job Fair subevent.


1 month (Aug 2020 - Sep 2020)


Product Design Lead


Miro, Figma

End Product

The Challenge

Playground & Job Fair is a subevent of COMPFEST that aims to introduce its participants to various IT companies and IT careers. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, all activities for COMPFEST were converted online. As a result, it became the first playground and job fair tech exhibition in Indonesia being held online. This poses a challenge for my team to design a platform that serves the purpose of an event that is ideally held offline.

The Solution

Our solution was an all-in-one website that will act as a job searching platform while introducing users of various IT companies. To encourage user exploration, we include gamification elements that rewards the users for getting to know IT companies introduced on the website. Our main goal is to design a website that could help users achieve their goals effectively.

The Research Process

Overview of the Design Thinking Process

Overview of the Design Thinking Process

My team implements the Design Thinking Process as the main methodology for our research. Design Thinking Process is a 5 stage iterative process for developing a user-centered product. However, due to the time constraints, my team is able to do only one iteration.

Requirement Gathering

The process start with requirement gathering, where my team along with the dev team attends a meeting with the client. Our client for this project are the Playground division of COMPFEST, who were in charge of organising the event. The client are asked to fill a product requirement document beforehand.

Web Request : Playground & Job Fair

I led the participants to discuss the target users, goals, and desired feature for the website. From the meeting, we can conclude the following points.

Target Users

Main Goals

Desired Features

Research Design

First, we list down the goals of this research. This will help us determine the questions needed for in-depth interview.

Research Goal